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Primary Status
Brandon Austin avatar
Written by Brandon Austin
Updated over 8 months ago

Each profile and listing on our platform has a

  • Primary status: reflects its primary state.

  • Review status, indicating the progress of our team’s review of any changes.

This guide explains the different listing "Primary Listing Statuses." For an overview of review listing statuses, please refer to the "Listing Review Status" guide.

Primary Status Options:

  1. Never published

  2. Active

  3. Paused

  4. Expired

Never Published

This is where every profile and listing starts.

  1. A "Never Published" status indicates that the profile or listing has never been published.

  2. There might be changes in the draft, but those changes have not been submitted for review.


An "Active" status indicates that the profile or listing has been approved and is live on the Heritage Web network.

  • Active profiles or listings can have draft changes that haven't been submitted for review or changes that are pending review. During this time, the previously approved details remain published.

  • If a profile or listing has a primary status other than Active, it is not being published in our network.


Paused status indicates that the profile or listing has been manually paused.

  • While a profile or listing is paused, it is not published on the Heritage Web network.

  • The only way a paused profile or listing can be published again is if the user manually publishes it.


Expired status indicates the profile listing has expired due to non-payment.

  • Expired profiles or listings are not published on our network.

  • Expired status only applies to Premium profiles and listings.

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